CASIO "What Do I Wear Tomorrow?" Project

CASIO "What Do I Wear Tomorrow?" Project
Collaboration with Korean fashion illustrator Aaron Chang
Pairing with CASIO Vintage watches to create a versatile City Boy outfit guide
Originating from Japan, the City Boy aesthetic has become one of the most popular styles in recent years. City Boys possess a certain fashion sensitivity and focus on layering in their outfits. Whether in item selection or overall coordination, they convey a casual vibe while paying attention to the details of each piece. This style lacks a fixed, uniform look and combines various sleek and unrestrained elements, showcasing streetwear with a strong personal flair.
For the first time, CASIO collaborates with Korean fashion illustrator Aaron Chang to bring the "What Do I Wear Tomorrow?" project, illustrating diverse daily outfits paired with CASIO Vintage watches.

From now until December 1, the G-SHOCK flagship store will host a limited-time pop-up shop. The design inspiration for the space comes from the well-known slogan of the Japanese men’s fashion magazine "POPEYE," which is "Magazine for City Boys." The layout adopts a Japanese magazine style, presenting each street outfit and various City Boy images. The printed content includes the latest CASIO Vintage watch product introductions, conveying different lifestyles through street style while expressing interpretations and passion for trends.